Head Wrestling Coach For 40 Years Gets His Life Back

The ONLY program where I have not gained back any of the 34 pounds that I lost and it’s been one full year. Kim has a way of letting this unfold as a real lifestyle change that doesn’t have you hungry or having to exert so much will power that you end up gaining the weight back. 

The #1 Weight loss and KEEP OFF the weight and get back your athletic/lighter body program.  

Feels Great! 

Before Kim, I had never had a Wellness Coach. I had been a Head Coach of Wrestling for nearly 40 years in Ohio, but having Kim for 4 months was the best health decision I have made for myself. My blood pressure, cholesterol, bloodwork were off the charts. Now all my numbers are good.

I feel very good both physically and mentally about my health.

Kim was pretty strict in the beginning but I never felt hungry and  this was truly the easiest and I think healthiest way to regain my body back.

I am proud to have worked with Kim. She provided both recommendations for diet, health and life. She was with me every step of the way and many people who see me are shocked at results. Thanks Kim!

Head Wrestling Coach For 40 Years Gets His Life Back

The ONLY program where I have not gained back any of the 34 pounds that I lost and it’s been one full year. Kim has a way of letting this unfold as a real lifestyle change that doesn’t have you hungry or having to exert so much will power that you end up gaining the weight back. 

The #1 Weight loss and KEEP OFF the weight and get back your athletic/lighter body program.  

Feels Great! 

Before Kim, I had never had a Wellness Coach. I had been a Head Coach of Wrestling for nearly 40 years in Ohio, but having Kim for 4 months was the best health decision I have made for myself. My blood pressure, cholesterol, bloodwork were off the charts. Now all my numbers are good.

I feel very good both physically and mentally about my health.

Kim was pretty strict in the beginning but I never felt hungry and  this was truly the easiest and I think healthiest way to regain my body back.

I am proud to have worked with Kim. She provided both recommendations for diet, health and life. She was with me every step of the way and many people who see me are shocked at results. Thanks Kim!

Strong Gluteal Muscles Prevent Hip and Back Pain

Post of the Week

Strong Gluteal Muscles Prevent Hip and Back Pain

Learn what 3 exercises you can do to prevent hip and back pain while building up a tight derriere.



Strong Buttock Muscles a Must For Living the Life You Want

How Can My Gluts Be Weak – I am Active?

In my practice, I see clients that have poor gluteal strength. They do not know their gluteus muscles are weak of course, but I know because it is often manifested as hip or back pain. When the gluteal muscles get weak from sedentary lifestyles or even just from not engaging them often enough in their everyday active lives, they become weak. I’ll often hear clients say, I can walk all day long my gluts must be strong. But are they? Regular walking ( not up a steep incline) does little to engage these big powerful muscles fully. The range of motion of the gluteus minimus and gluteus maximus during flat walking is very limited.

Strong Derriere Puts Less Impact on Lower Back/Outer Hips
The key importance of implementing gluteal workouts is more than just to improve body shape ( although this is valid too). Rather, strong derriere muscles allow for less impact on the other structures of the body that tend to give us pain – namely the hips and the lower back.

If you are having lower back and hip pain, consider that in addition to doing the “normal exercises” we are told to do such as strengthening the abdominal areas to support the back better, and or work on lower back strengtheners to decrease your pain, it is my recommendation to strengthen your gluteus muscles as well. In fact so important are the gluteal muscles in decreasing hip and back pain that in my practice I target your bottom first when time becomes limited in a training session.

To get the most out of your gluteal workouts, be sure to start progressively and with the correct body mechanics. Begin with double leg exercises advancing to single leg exercises shown below, then progress to the more advanced double legged and single legged power exercises as indicated below. Do 2 -3 sets of each exercise focusing on 10 -15 reps before adding weights. Keep in mind that going 2-5 reps beyond fatigue is absolutely critical to increasing the strength of a muscle.

Back Extension on Bench or Ball
10–15 repetitions

Place the upper back on a weight bench and place a barbell on top of the hips. Start with a light weight at first. Ground both feet solidly into the floor and extend the hips upward to lift the bar up, stopping when the hips reach full extension (do not arch the back). Squeeze the glutes and pause at the top for a second or two before setting the hips back down on the ground. This can also be done on a big ball placing calves on the ball and raising your bottom and squeezing. Use the ball method if the bench feels less comfortable. Begin with no weight if you are new to the exercise.

Single Leg Sit To Stand
10–15 repetitions

Stand with the backs of the legs near a weight bench. Place hands to side away from chest. Lift the left leg off the floor and balance on the right foot. Lower yourself down until you feel your seat touch the bench briefly and then return to standing using the right leg only. Repeat on the opposite foot and alternate each leg until you complete the repetitions. Add weight by holding to sides of body as body becomes accustomed.

Step Up Power Exercise
10 -15 repetitions

Hold a dumbbell or no weight at all to sides of body. Step up onto a weight bench with the right foot, making sure to stand up by completely opening the hips, and then step down with the right foot. Switch feet, so that the next step-up begins with the left foot. Continue to alternate the feet to complete the repetitions. Progress to adding weight.

Now that you know what to do to alleviate back and hip pain, as well as how to do it, you gotta figure out your why. Why are you going to do these exercises? Is it so you can go on that Tuscany village tour and feel fantastic? Is it going to be so you can dance at your grandson’s wedding? Whatever it is, figure it out so you have the motivation. And if you need a little help, schedule a call right here for your complimentary “How to Get Unstuck And Motivated” Breakthrough Call. Go to: meetme.so/bodysmartway

All My Best,

Take Another Wagon Instead of Getting Off The Wagon

Take Another Wagon Instead of Getting Off The Wagon

Post of the Week

How To Not Fall Off The Wagon

When daily routines get you out of your groove, empower yourself by taking another wagon.


Take Another Wagon Instead of Getting Off The Wagon

The other day John and I had to unexpectedly make a trip to Ohio to assist my mother. Our long distance driving trip came at a time when we were both feeling grooved in our daily exercise habits, eating habits, and work-life balance habits.

I mention this because in my health coaching practice, client’s main goals are often to liberate themselves from the stresses of their day to day lives by increasing their good health habits and eradicating poor health habits.

The challenge is to stay in a groove and mentally empowered even when real life happens taking us out of our normal routines.

A two-week vacation! A business trip. A visit to the see the kids, or a surprise emergency situation –
And we fall “off’ the wagon.”

Vacation time or visiting family used to get me out of my groove. These days, I am a pro at it. And My husband John is pretty good at it as well.


Here’s What We Do: 


Instead of stressing out about how to continue our good routines during this period of disruption with hotels, eating out, sitting in cars/airplanes, and not getting home until after 10pm, we just take another wagon. We tell ourselves ( sometimes I just tell him) we’ll be taking another wagon for a while. It won’t be the same wagon as when we are grooved in our lifestyle at home getting up at 5 a.m., stretching, walking the dogs, reading meditations, and enjoying breakfast before the day’s work begins, but it will be a better wagon than simply resigning ourselves to poor health habits because we are too stressed about where we will work out and run or walk.

a Better Wagon For you 


Could it be possible to find different ways of staying healthy while in different scenarios? When I’m in control of my schedule/food sources/exercise equipment/comfortable bed, I will have one routine. Then, when on the road I will have another routine. And on vacation, I will find another routine.
Even on weekends! I will have a weekend routine!
I will never be ‘off’ my wagon.
Each routine will incorporate as much goodness as possible. Sometimes more goodness than others, but at no point will I just throw in the towel.
I will always stay ‘on’ a wagon.
Here is an Example of My home wagon and my travel wagon (previously known as ‘off’ the wagon). See If it helps:

Home Wagon: 

– 16 oz water with lemon zest. 6 oz. coconut water. Coffee. 20 minute stretch routine.

– inspirational readings 5 minutes. Dog walk with dogs and husband.

– morning shake and supplement routine including multi -vitamin, fish oil, vitamin D, b complex vitamins.

Afternoon Exercise:
– cardio exercise run/walk, singles tennis, elliptical, bike, steps, or rowing.- strength training workout at Serenata Beach Club.

During the Day:
– well balanced meals including good fats, abundance of vegetables and low sugar fruits, proteins, nuts, seeds, and some beans and whole grains depending on weight goals.

Bedtime Routine:
Walk the dogs with John.
Watch 30 minutes of Ted Talks/or Netflix Series.
Read 10 minute in bed.
Lights out.



Work/Family/Travel wagon:

– 16 oz water. 20 minute stretch and strength routine in hotel room including pushups, squats, and abdominal curls.

– 2 minutes meditation mantra – mantra changes with situation. For example recently: ” I can do whatever it is I set my mind to do.”

– multi vitamin supplement only if traveling for under 5 days. Starbucks high protein snack pack and coffee for breakfast

Afternoon Exercise:
– Find ways to include more walking while at airport, between car stops and while visiting family friends/or during conferences

During the Day:
– Make best possible choices while at restaurants/family/friend homes being sure to always eat lots of vegetables, good fats when possible and lean proteins.

Bedtime Routine:
10 oz water. 15 minutes easy television watching.
Lights out.

Here’s the Thing
Don’t beat yourself up. Don’t stress out about real life interference. Don’t feel guilty about enjoying your vacation. And don’t sabotage your weekly progress on weekends. Just identify your wagon and create an easy plan for each one.

You need never be ‘off’ your wagon again. Just hop on a different wagon, and make the most of the ride.

Personal Lifestyle Stories 30 Days to Lean

Personal Lifestyle Stories 30 Days to Lean

This program has become more than just my passion. It has become my mission in life. Everyday, there are more and more people who are reaching out and know that they need a lifestyle change. And I want you to know that I am here to help you make that transition. Driving this program are couples and now young families too that are working this healthy lifestyle together.

Tomorrow I will send out the details of the program so that if it is your time to make a lifestyle change, you join me.

We begin Monday March 7th.  I will need a commitment to join by Wednesday evening. Don’t worry about the details now. Just read the success stories below and know that these stories are not rarities, but they are occurring regularly for over 2.5 years now. Details to sign up will come tomorrow evening so check your inbox.

One Year After 30 Days to Lean With Kim

I am a 70 year old man enjoying my family, my faith, golf, the beach, gardening, reading, music and yes, food.  I have both an engineering master’s degree and an MBA and worked for over 30 years using both degrees. When I married my wonderful, caring wife 50 years ago, I was 6 feet tall and weighed 135 lbs. The thin man days faded away during my working years as I gained 60 pounds, stopped exercising, and slowly but surely took on high blood pressure and cholesterol problems.  In 2001, my wife and I retired and moved to Florida where we met Kim Miller, founder of Body Smart. Kim has always encouraged me to eat and work out smartly but, as is often is the case, I had difficulty internalizing her message.

In 2010, on the golf course, my hand went numb. I had suffered a very mild stroke that fortunately left no side effects. I weighed 215 pounds and was taking both blood pressure and high cholesterol meds. I became determined to lose some weight and get more exercise. I tried cutting back on the eating and using the treadmill more. And through my efforts, although a little haphazard, I did lose 15 pounds. So, in 2015 I still weighed 200 lbs and had low energy.

It was at that time that I became aware of Kim’s 30 Days to Lean Program. I thought at the time, this may work for me – a prescribed meal plan with recipes, no meetings and coaching from Kim. So I signed up. Over the next few months I went from 200 pounds to 170 pounds and never felt hungry and always felt energetic. The recipes are appetizing and filling. Even more importantly, on top shedding pounds, my cholesterol and blood pressure numbers are now normal.

We all know that many factors contribute to how long we are going to live. I think it is important that while we are here we feel good about ourselves and our bodies; keep moving as we get older and enjoy life; including food and drink. Kim’s program has helped me understand this and I encouraged others to try her programs. It is an investment in your life.

Dave K.

No Bariatric Surgery – We Hired Kim 30 Days To Lean.

This from Rebecca Eric’s wife: “Eric had gotten a consult for bariatric surgery before we signed up to work with Kim. He was told that he was a candidate. I told him to give it one more go at diet and exercise before we took that drastic step. I am so glad that he has been successful with this plan. A friend of a friend just had bariatric surgery and died postoperatively. So thankful that wasn’t our story! Eric lost 23.6 pounds in 60 days  and best of all he is enjoying eating and believes this lifestyle is sustainable. Thanks Kim!” Rebecca Middlebrook.

My Doctor was in awe at the results. I told him all about 30 Days to Lean.

Had my 6 mos. checkup from Dr Kelsey’s office. Blood work was super, took myself off medication and checked my pressures 4 times a day since April 25. Dr. Kelsey was shocked, asked me as soon as i walked in room what have you done. Told him all about you and what we were eating.  he was pleased, amazed and happy even took me off my meds.  I need to go back in October for repeat blood work but I expect the same results.  I have always felt I was placed on them and maybe never really should have been but now I feel sure I don’t need that. Lynne Qualls

If you are ready to make a lifestyle change make sure to open tomorrow’s email so that you can see if this program is for you.

All My Best,

Why Gluteal Building Exercises Are Important and What 3 Exercises to Do.

Why Gluteal Building Exercises Are Important and What 3 Exercises to Do.

Gluteus Muscles are Important Muscles of The Hips

The glutes are important muscles of the hips. They set the foundation for proper pelvic alignment and they promote the key movements of hip extension and external rotation.

How Can My Gluts Be Weak – I am Active?

In my practice, I see clients that have poor gluteal strength.  They do not know their gluteus muscles are weak of course, but I know because it is often manifested as hip or back pain.  When the gluteal muscles get weak from sedentary lifestyles or even just from not engaging them often enough in their everyday active lives, they become weak.  I’ll often hear clients say, I can walk all day long my gluts must be strong. But are they? Regular walking ( not up a steep incline)  does little to engage these big powerful muscles fully. The range of motion of the gluteus minimus and gluteus maximus during flat walking is very limited.

Strong Derriere Puts Less Impact on Lower Back/Outer Hips

The key importance of implementing gluteal workouts is more than just to improve  body shape ( although this is valid too).  Rather strong derriere muscles allow for less impact on the other structures of the body that tend to give us pain – namely the hips and the lower back.

If you are having lower back and hip pain, consider that in addition to doing the “normal exercises” we are told to do such as strengthening the abdominal areas to support the back better, and or work on lower back strengtheners to decrease your pain, it is my recommendation to strengthen your gluteus muscles as well. In fact so important are the gluteal muscles in decreasing hip and back pain that in my practice I target your bottom first when time becomes limited.

To get the most out of your glute workouts, be sure to start progressively and with the correct body mechanics. Begin with double leg  exercises advancing to single leg exercises shown below, then progress to the more advanced double legged and single legged power exercises as indicated below. Do 2 -3 sets of each exercise focusing on 10 -15 reps before adding weights. Keep in mind that going 2-5 reps beyond fatigue is absolutely critical to increasing the strength of a muscle.


Back Extension on Bench or Ball

10–15 repetitions

Image result for hip butt extension on a bench

Place the upper back on a weight bench and place a barbell on top of the hips. Start with a light weight at first. Ground both feet solidly into the floor and extend the hips upward to lift the bar up, stopping when the hips reach full extension (do not arch the back). Squeeze the glutes and pause at the top for a second or two before setting the hips back down on the ground. This can also be done on a big ball placing calves on the ball and raising your bottom and squeezing. Use the ball method if the bench feels less comfortable. Begin with no weight if you are new to the exercise.


Single Leg Sit To Stand

10–15 repetitions

Image result for single leg bench squat

Stand with the backs of the legs near a weight bench. Place hands to side away from chest.  Lift the left leg off the floor and balance on the right foot. Lower yourself down until you feel your seat touch the bench briefly and then return to standing using the right leg only. Repeat on the opposite foot and alternate each leg until you complete the repetitions. Add weight by holding to sides of body as body becomes accustomed.

Step Up Power Exercise

10 -15 repetitions

Image result for bench step up for butt

Hold a dumbbell or no weight at all to sides of body. Step up onto a weight bench with the right foot, making sure to stand up by completely opening the hips, and then step down with the right foot. Switch feet, so that the next step-up begins with the left foot. Continue to alternate the feet to complete the repetitions. Progress to adding weight.