Get Old Fast the New Generation’s Way

In past generations we got old and died. Welcome to the new generation. Now we get prematurely old and decrepit, and only after many years of being this way do we die. Want to get old and decrepit fast? Follow me. I’ll show you the quickest way to a long, decrepit, ripe old age. Read below, but before you do, keep in mind that I had a little fun with this post and I think you will too. It’s less formal than previous posts but it’s packed with my typical desire to get you looking your best, feeling your best, and performing your best! Go ahead and read on:

Be a part of the New Generation

1. Steadily gain 2 pounds per year beginning at the age of thirty. Your goal should be to arrive at age 60, sixty pounds heavier than when you were age 30.

2. Each year that passes celebrate your birthday by consuming more white flour and sugar than in the previous year. This amount will vary per individual. Strive for increased amounts in each passing year.

3. Exercise only if absolutely necessary. Shun those that promote it and hold fast to the position that those who teach it are crazy.

4. Enjoy friendships of similar mindsets. Stay clear of even casual friendships that entice you to eat in moderation, exercise with knowledgeable competent trainers, and or discourage you from overindulgences in any form.

5. Disregard overzealous doctors who exaggerate the significance of simple common diseases and “supposedly bad health numbers.” Disregard their hyperbole about high blood pressure, pre diabetes, diabetes, high cholesterol, high LDL’s, low HDL’s, obesity, and a little inflammation in the body.

And if by Chance, you are not as “ambitious” as this new generation of prematurely old before your time fellows, but instead aspire to looking good, feeling good and leading a more vital lifestyle, then keep reading. Together, we’ll make sense of what you need to be doing to live a more vigorous lifestyle! It won’t be overnight and it won’t be gimmicky. I am confident you’ll thank yourself for changing your life in a slow progressive manner that focuses on healthy lifestyle changes that are meaningful and keep you from aging prematurely like our “new generation friends.”

Our Wealth is in Our Health,
Kim Miller