Everyone is asking me. “How’s that year long weight loss program going with such and such. Is he losing weight? How much?” Since I don’t offer specifics about particular clients, my comments appear vague leaving the impression they may not be doing so well! This is frustrating of course because I want people to know how the healthy living weight loss program is actually working.

What I can do is offer you a compiled tracking thus far of the 10 clients who are enrolled in the year long weight loss program.

Different Weight Loss Mindset

Before I go into the specifics, take note that the people enrolled began the program with a mindset different than the average dieter. My clients had no interest in being coached to lose 20 lbs in 20 days, or even 30 days! They already recognognized that drastic meausures do not work in the long run. (Sure they work for periods of time, but people gain weight back when they go back to their old habits –of which they almost always do!)

Lastly, my clients were savvy. They understood that health coaching was not about me telling them what to eat and how much. They realized the importance of using their own brain power in change. All in all, the people I was attracting were the doers and thinkers; the ones wary of single sided approaches to weight loss. I wanted those people who desired a life change that encompassed all facets of being a healthy individual, and not just those who wanted to lose weight!

I recruited the people who wanted more! More guidance on how to weight train effectively for increased metabolism and lean body structure – more guidance on increasing flexibility for better enjoyment of daily living tasks, more guidance on better food choices and information on nutrition- more guidance on the nuances of weight loss – I wanted those people who realized the importance of details such as how to have a good time at a party, enjoy eating, but be in control without feeling horrible the next day and punishing themselves by walking 10 miles. This is old thinking. I wanted fresh thinking clients; those whom I did not have to convince that my approach is the most comprehensive and effective means for lifelong weight loss and health benefits.

I am happy to say, I got what I was asking for! The information below is a compilation thus far of my client’s progress, but only in the weight department. There were other goals such as exercise hours per week which were often broken up into strength training, cardio and flexibility as well as daily living enjoyment goals and stress reduction goals etc., but these are not included for no other reason than it is too encompassing for a brief newsletter.

It’s important to have non weight reduction goals as losing weight is best done in the context of the each client’s current lifestyle. It’s important to note the goals of each individual in the first 3 month period as some clients wanted to lose more quickly and some a little more slowly. These goals, it should be noted were not my goals for them, but their goals for themselves. All clients were savvy enough to set realistic goals based on their current weight and motivation levels. What you cannot see are the weekly individualized nuanced goals that are so important in bringing healthy living into action. Without these weekly strategy and support sessions, it’s far too likely that the weight loss losers would be unsuccessful.

Client One
Three Month Goal – 20 lb loss.
Achieved – 21 lb loss in 3 months.

Client Two
Three month goal – 10 lb loss
Achieved – 12 lb loss in 3 months.

Client Three
Three month goal – 16 lb down
Achieved – 15 lbs in three months

Client Four
Three Month Goal – 6 lb loss
Achieved – 5 lb loss after 8 weeks. This client and following clients started later so they are still in process of achieving 3 month goals.

Client Five
Three Month Goal – 9 pound loss.
Achieved – 6 lb loss after 6 weeks.

Client Six
Three Month Goal – 10 lb loss
Achieved – 4 lbs after 5 weeks.

Client Seven
Three Month Goal – 18 lb. loss
Achieved – 9 lb loss after 6 weeks.

Client Eight
Three Month Goal – 10 lb loss
Achieved – 3 lb loss after 6 weeks.

Client Nine
Three Month Goal – 14 lb loss
Achieved – 8 lbs loss after 6 weeks.

Client Ten
Three Month Weight Goal – 15 lb loss.
Achieved – 9 lb loss after 8 weeks.

If you are thinking the above accomplishments are minimal – then I challenge you to reconsider. Most dieters are on schedule to accomplish reasonable weight loss goals in addition to other healthy living goals.

Too often we are looking for the Biggest Loser style weight losses. The sooner dieters get out of the Biggest Loser mentality especially in the area of exercise intensity then the more likely success becomes. Rarely does the biggest loser style weight loss system work for the average dieter. It’s too drastic and difficult to implement and maintain even for a short period of time.

Where does the insanity of year after year, month after month, week after week, and day after day of feeling badly about our eating behaviors and exercise habits cease? For many people it’s been an ongoing lifelong battle; never feeling completely happy about their way of life, and always making haphazard attempts at becoming more thin and fit. This cycle gets wearing on the mind, body, and soul.

What occurs with people being coached is that they are able to make sense of how to be smart about dieting, exercising, sleeping, health issues, stress reduction, goal planning, meal planning, eating out, high risk eating/drinking situations, and countless other situations. It’s all part of living a healthy life. The goal is to practice now so it becomes automatic. This doesn’t happen overnight, but it does happen. It happens gradually-with patience- with connections – with grace – with confidence – with knowledge- and with the right partnerships. When all is said and done these yearlong clients will get better with age!

Ask yourself, “Am I better today weight wise and health wise than I was last year at this same time?”

We may all be aging, but it doesn’t have to be faster than it should be.

A note to clients who are readers – No pressure! Ha ha. Hope you don’t mind the article!