Are You Successful in Life, But Wonder Why You are Not Successful in Getting Fit and Losing Weight? Look at the image to the left. Healthy carefree competent, confident, fit people engaging in life. We see imagery in the media often used to stimulate our imagination and desire for a product or service. However, once the images and articles are out of sight, it is easy to dismiss their intended points. Is this to suggest there is no point in reading various health articles,health blogs,health books etc? Or in watching inspirational films or You Tube videos? Absolutely not! Reading can stimulate awareness and the desire for healthy change. Films and videos likewise stimulate increased awareness and thoughtful reflection which often lead to a desire for change. However, what often occurs because of the multitude of health information we consume, is that in our desire to pursue health and weight loss rarely take on the cause of becoming healthier and leaner.

What does this have to do with being successful in one’s life, yet not being successful in leading a more robustful, high energy, and lean – body life that we all desire? Everything. Viktor Frankl in Man’s Search for Meaning writes, “Don’t aim at success – the more you aim at it and make it a target, the more you are going to miss it. For success,like happiness,cannot be pursued; it must ensue,and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause. Happiness must happen,and the same holds true for success:you have to let it happen by not caring about it. Then you will live to see that in the long run – (in the long run, I say!) – success will follow you precisely because you have forgotten to think about it.”

And what about you? How many months, years, or even decades have you been wishing – aspiring – hoping to become fit and lean? If it has not occurred then why? Is it because you are still pursuing healthy living instead of letting it ensue you? Why have you been so successful in life yet fail to be successful at healthy living and weight loss? Can it be that your success in life is a result of your personal dedication to work, family, and/or other ideals rather than to the pursuit of the trappings of success?

Can you cease pursuing the trappings of healthy living and weight loss? Rather, can you imagine health as your dedication?