Reading the results of various studies in the health field is fascinating. However, being in the business of fitness and helping people obtain their health, fitness, and wellness visions, in addition to feeling and looking good is even more fascinating. I chose personal training and health coaching over group fitness because of the creative flexibility it allows me in meeting the unique requirements that each individual brings to training sessions.

I have both young and older clients ranging in ages from 11 to 84 years. Some of them are in good conditioning and like the added challenge of one or two hard workout per week. Some are in the beginning stages and want to tone their bodies, build muscle and bone mass, sleep better, or stave off health risk factors caused by inactivity. Still yet, and increasingly so, I have people who benefit from e-mail or phone consulting strategy sessions where walking and nutritional planning is implemented on their own.

This type of work never tires me so I thought it would be interesting for you as well and compiled a short list of insights and observations that I’ve noticed over the 23 years I have been in the health field. By the way, incase you are adding numbers, my years in the health field started when I was two. Ok, twenty two if you are pressing me!

1. Getting Started Is Difficult
The most successful exercisers just do it, realizing they will feel better once the activity is started.

2. We are Smart to be Concerned About Belly Fat
Men with a waist circumference over 40 inches and women over 35 inches are at increased risk for cardiovascular diseases. Proper eating habits and cardiovascular exercise trump abdominal exercise for reducing waist size.

3. People that Randomly Exercise Have a Healthier Mindset than People that Never Exercise
I’d rather train a person that is inconsistent than try to convince a person of the benefits of exercise. Those that are inconsistent realize exercise benefits and only need better organization and priority planning, whereas those that deny exercise benefits have no reason for change.

4. We Adapt
Our bodies are highly powered machines that when progressed smartly respond appropriately regardless of age.

5. The Treadmill Gets Bad Press
Walking is functional and we need to be able to continue walking regardless of age. After all, we can’t ride a stationary bike or get on an elliptical trainer to move about in our own house or go out shopping. The bike and elliptical trainer are soft on the knees, and serve an important role for those that ache. Use the treadmill or walk outside occasionally, but don’t eliminate this movement from your exercise routine.

6. Consistency is More Important Than Intensity for Healthy Living
Both intensity and consistency need practiced if training for a specific muscular look is desired. Both can be done simultaneously.

7. Motivation is Key in Exercise Consistency
It doesn’t matter where we derive motivation. Using “looking better” as a motivating impetus is not a bad way to think. Training, regardless of our motivation makes us not only look and feel better, but gives us better health numbers.

8. Life Looks Better Viewed Through a Healthy Body
Want to change your attitude? Train your body.

9. The Lateral Pull Down is the Most Misused Gym Apparatus
Too much weight and bad form. Keep chest upright and not contracted. Never should you take the bar behind your head.

Having a Personal Trainer or Wellness Consultant Does not Have to be a Lifetime Commitment – some people are reluctant to use the services of a personal trainer because they think the trainer is looking for a lifetime income and they don’t want to feel obligated. Trainers are utilized in multiply ways and most good trainers enjoy the variety of reasons that people come to them whether for one single session or a continuous program. Credentials are important. The following are various reasons people may hire a trainer.

1. Learn proper alignment and form on machines and free weights.
2. Weekly as an extra energy boost to typical routines.
3. Quarterly for changing routines, and offering more progressively challenging tasks.
4. After the Holidays as a motivational jump start.
5. Prior to special events to look and feel good.
6. Weight loss jump start.
7. E-mail accountability programs to boost fitness or wellness goal success.
8. Body sculpting program for swim wear season.
9. After cardiovascular rehabilitation to reinforce implementation in new setting.
10. Learn safe back strengthening exercises to decrease back pain.
11. Full body conditioning prior to or after surgery to decrease surgery complications.
12. Reduce blood pressure prior to deciding on taking prescription drugs. May be on own or in gym.
13. Increase bone strength prior to deciding on taking prescription drugs.
14. Design training routine for sporting competition.
15. Abdominal training exercises post pregnancy.
16. Target muscle training such as triceps ( back of arms), hip, and gluteus routines.
17. In home training or consulting on various fitness routines or health programs.
18. Home gym set up consulting and implementation advice.
19. Blood sugar reduction program on own or with trainer.
20. Nutrition and exercise consulting via e-mail, phone, or in person.

Trainers and Coaches are diversified in their offerings. Asking them about their qualifications and how they can make the program most convenient for you while reaching your goals should be top priority. You are hiring them, and attention to your needs and how best they can be met should be their number one priority. It should be offered, but always ask for a no obligation complimentary consultation.