What’s The Real Deal With Fiber and Weight Loss?



How Fiber Helps You Lose Weight – It Gets a Little Gross

Fiber is a nutrient. An interesting nutrient! On the one hand, our bodies are completely incapable of digesting it—the fiber we do ‘digest’ is actually digested by our gut bacteria. On the other hand, fiber is associated with a huge list of positive benefits, from lowered blood fats to reduced belly fat to decreased incidence of colon cancer.

To better understand the important role fiber plays not only in weight maintenance and weight loss, but in health in general, here’s a quick overview.

Two Types of Fiber:

1. Soluble Fiber, which can dissolve in water
2. Insoluble Fiber, which cannot dissolve in water

Soluble fibers tend to gel, dramatically increasing blood thickness/viscosity. When we consume soluble fiber, it gels in the stomach, making the chyme (the liquidy digested food that passes from the stomach to the small intestine) thicken. If you imagine how much slower honey drains from a bottle compared to water, then you can see how soluble fiber slows down the rate of your stomach emptying!

Insoluble fibers, on the other hand, absorb less water, do not gel, and do not greatly affect how fast food empties from your stomach. In contrast to soluble fiber, insoluble fiber makes food travel faster through your intestines by adding bulk to it—in this way, insoluble fiber is great in helping to prevent constipation. Since insoluble fiber gains so much bulk, it too can make you feel fuller.

In terms of  health benefits, soluble fiber is the one which is most frequently cited. A meal high in soluble fiber moves much more slowly through the digestive tract, which increases fullness.

And it is one of the “magical” reasons why my 30 Days To Lean members cite rarely being hungry.

Another great benefit of soluble fiber is that it makes it challenging for the carbohydrates consumed in your meal to make their way to the lining of your small intestine. As opposed to a thin, liquidy chyme, carbohydrates (specifically glucose, the simple sugar we digest most carbohydrates into) have trouble moving through the thick chyme of a soluble fiber-laden meal.

Ultimately, this means that less carbohydrates are absorbed, and the ones that are absorbed are absorbed over a much greater period of time as opposed to the rapid absorption simple carbs have. The benefits of this slower rate of absorption are two-fold: you have much more prolonged energy, due to the “trickle release” of glucose into your blood, and blood sugar never spikes which means there is no insulin spike and associated “sugar crash”.

In addition to slowing down carbohydrate absorption, soluble fiber can also ‘bind’ fats and cholesterol. Instead of just making it difficult for fat or cholesterol to ‘swim’ to the intestinal membrane, soluble fiber literally locks some of the fat and cholesterol away, completely preventing them from being absorbed.

When we combine the decreased absorption of carbohydrates and the binding of fat in a meal with a high soluble fiber content, what happens is that “total fecal excretion” of calories increases—we poop out more of the calories than we normally would. This sounds gross, but do not say I did not warn you!

Here’s the thing –  we get to eat more food because the soluble fiber prevents us from absorbing all of it! Now how nice is that? By now you should be figuring out why the 30 Days to Lean members are losing so much weight and so quickly. Do you get why I am always saying, “When you eat- EAT.”  Let me add one more insight, but promise me, promise me, promise me, you will put it into action! When you are aiming to lose weight do not eat like a bird. You gotta eat. So treat it like a job and eat – but enjoy it! This bird dieting from boxes and paper has got to go! I am on a mission. And I want you to join.  
Here’s Your Job This Week
– Aim to increase your fiber 10% this week. No more or you will be sorry – if you get my drift. Goal 30-35 grams daily.
– Exercise 30 minutes moderately daily.
– Sleep like a baby. No crying though! 

Lets Talk Belly Fat

When trying to lose weight here’s one more piece of information you need to know:

Do Not Do This When Trying To Lose Weight

A myth which has been ingrained in our beliefs is that blood sugar is inherently unstable, and we need a constant stream of calories to ensure it never dips or spikes. These little 100 calorie snack packs that I see people buying at the grocery stores are killing them.  It’s all in an effort to stabilize their blood sugars thinking that this will cause them to lose weight. This strategy not only does them a disservice in the weight loss department but can place them at increased risk for insulin resistance leading to pre-diabetes and diabetes!

Insulin – The Fat Storage Hormone

Insulin is the fat storage hormone as you know,  but glucagon is the “take from storage” hormone. The problem is that insulin responds rapidly to the increase in blood sugar that eating causes, allowing us to store excess energy readily, but glucagon has a much slower response which only happens after we have gone through that fuel, a process which can take up to four hours!

If you attempt to control blood sugar by eating often, the only metabolic change you are likely to make is that your body will be releasing more insulin and less glucagon. By actively suppressing glucagon secretion, your body is less likely to take energy back out of storage, and weight loss will be slow.

Healthy Meal Intervals

When you allow healthy intervals between your meals, your body gets the chance to use its own natural blood sugar stabilizer, the hormone glucagon. The result is your body spends more time in “take from storage mode” and you lose weight more readily!

For those of you on the 30 Days to Lean program, you know how important it is that “when you eat – you eat, and when you do not eat – you do not eat.  At first you think I am a crazy woman suggesting eating only 3 times a day and no snacking.

I get it! At first it seems a little crazy as so many people are used to eating more than 3 times a day. After a while though, my members settle into this lifestyle, losing weight more rapidly than on any other lifestyle plan. The best part is that as the weight comes off, settling into really enjoying eating becomes a big bonus. I can’t tell anyone this though. They just have to experience it. But when they do, they realize immediately that all those years they thought they loved to eat, they  really had no idea what truly loving to eat meant!

It’s the craziest thing, but what happens is they enjoy food more for three main reasons: One, they are actually hungry when they sit down to eat. Two, there is no guilt. They can sit down and enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner with no apologies.  Three, they are eating real wholesome food. They are eating like we a designed to eat!

On The Road Health – Take a Peek Inside Joe’s World!

Online Banking Solutions (OBS) : Principal Bios - Joe Spatarella, Chief Marketing OfficerMeet Joe Spatarella, chief marketing officer of  Online Banking Solutions! This is no ordinary meet up though. Over the next several months Joe and I go at health and fitness head on!

I’ve been training Joe in the gym over at the Serenata Beach Club in Ponte Vedra, Florida for over 6 months now, and although he is all committed while at the gym when he is training with me, it’s another story when he hits the road traveling for business!

Without mincing words ( sorry Joe!)  let me just say that he’s a far cry from being the perfect client. Funny thing is, all the success he has in business somehow does not trickle into his healthful eating and exercise world! Why is that? Well don’t get me started on that question just yet! But if you stay with Joe and I over the next few month, you will surely get a head start on how to do things right if  you are a traveling business person, or even if you are not one. Stick around. It’s going to be fun!

Let’s begin with a day in the life of Joe Spartarella: Joe this is where you plug in.


Online Banking Solutions (OBS) : Principal Bios - Joe Spatarella, Chief Marketing OfficerHi! So my week began with a simple enough plan: round trip to Philadelphia for a 3 hour meeting. This Monday outing turned into The 22-hour “day trip”.

Up at 4am: grabbed coffee (cream & sugar) and a Cliff bar as there wasn’t time for much more. Flight from JAX to Atlanta, meet up with the CEO and regional sales manager, then fly Atlanta to Philadelphia. After a 45 minute drive, we have 15 minutes for lunch before a 1 pm meeting start.
We find a strip mall with a salad joint. I order a cup of vegetarian vegetable soup (their name, not mine) and a bottle of water. So far, so good.

The meeting ends a bit after 4pm and we head to the airport driving through freezing rain. Drop off the rental car, clear security and we actually have 30 minutes to grab a bite. I’m starving! More than likely because I’m tired. I am always hungry when I haven’t had enough sleep.

We pick a place called Vino something because the food looks healthy, but all I can order is a sandwich and I am trying not to eat any bread. Did I mention I was hungry? The grilled chicken sandwich vanished before my eyes along with a glass of Pinot Noir because, after all, the place was called Vino.

More coffee on the flight to Atlanta to keep me awake. In Atlanta, I’m notified that the flight to JAX is delayed. They finally board us and we sit for an hour. Followed by an announcement that the brakes have a problem. Another hour of waiting while they attempt to repair the brakes with everyone on the plane. It’s now 11:30pm and I’m losing my will to live (just kidding).

Another announcement and we have to depart that plane, move to another gate and wait for another aircraft. All the while Delta provides snacks in the form of myriad unhealthy items to make us feel better. My will is broken and I succumb to a bag of M&M (peanuts). This only makes me feel worse.

We finally take off at 12:15am, more coffee on the plane as I have to drive 45 minutes to Saint Augustine after landing at 1:15 am. I arrive home at 2:15 and get to sleep by 2:45am almost 23 hours later.

I’m sure I made a lot of bad decisions and poor food selections during that trip.

I wonder what I could have done differently???

Any Thoughts Kim?


Hi Joe! Travel and eating healthy can be tough no doubt. It just takes a little forward thinking, practice, and desire to do things right!  This should help you the next time you have that 22 hour travel day.

Your Breakfast Mindset: Plan ahead. Scrap traditional breakfast thinking and be bold. After all, this is your health we’re talking about.

Breakfast of Real Champions – Here’s one make ahead the night before breakfast:

-4-6 oz. turkey slices.

-tsp Dijon mustard

-fresh, sundried or roasted tomatoes.

– half medium sized avocado sliced.

-spinach leaves

Lay Turkey slices flat. Add Dijon mustard. Lay tomatoes, avocado slices, and spinach leaves on top. Roll up several of these and devour them when you have a few minutes  in the morning ( preferable within one hour of arising). Maybe you’ll find that you can relax and eat these high protein good fat roll ups at the airport with a cup of coffee ( no sugar – more on this later), and a bottle of water.

BodySmart Fit Tip:  Find an on the go pattern that works for you. Repeat it. Repeat it. And Repeat it again until you are in the zone.

Your Lunch Mindset: Protein – Good Fat – and Loads of Vegetables. Get out of the calorie counting trap. Sure, we may think “how bad can vegetable soup and a glass of water be for lunch?” Answer: Terrible. The fact of the matter is we have to eat for energy and this is true whether you are aiming to maintain weight and your health, or  looking to lose weight. Since your goal Joe is to lose a few pounds, it is especially important to eat. Vegetable soup at most restaurants does not cut it. Look for good solid proteins like chicken, fish, tuna, and eggs. If you have a sandwich opt for whole grain ( more on this later regarding weight loss and the whole grain myth) and load the sandwich with every possible vegetable you can get your hands on.

BodySmart Fit Tip: This is no time to be shy about asking for what you need! Load up on vegetables and consume at least 16 oz of water.

Dinner Mindset : Protein – Good Fats – and Loads of Vegetables Again!

Given your 30 minute window of time,  opt for the biggest salad you can possibly find with a huge amount of dark greens, plenty of non starchy vegetables such as cucumbers, onions, garlic, bean sprouts, radishes, cabbage, green beans, celery, carrots,  and a good high quality protein! Ask for olive oil and vinegar and forget all the no calorie, no fat, no sugar, no whatever packets of dressing they have. More on this later. And it’s ok, add some salt and pepper and sit down and enjoy that glass of pinot noir with your dinner. Just make sure it’s a good one!

BodySmart Fit Tip: Eat like you mean it and you will see that those m and m’s that the stewards offered to you while trying to appease you during your wait on the plane will be no competition for your iron will.






Reflect On Your Health

woman stretchingWith just over two weeks to Christmas, I consider it a small miracle that you opened this newsletter. I know your to-do list is getting longer by the minute, but I am hoping you’ll take the time to do something that none of us do enough of. Five minutes, that’s all you’ll need.

While we’re busy planning, forecasting, goal setting, and getting ready for the next big party, we may have forgotten to take stock of how far we’ve come. Take 5 minutes today to look back at 2014. Make a list of the things you feel furthered your health status. Sometimes we do not give ourselves enough credit for small changes, so include even those small changes you might have made. Even small changes add up as the years unfold.

If you are like most people, you really can get healthier with age. That’s because most of us have so much to work with. Of course there are the rare people that do things perfectly. They eat lots of fruits and vegetables, exercise daily, eliminate most sugar, eat plenty of fish and clean meats, take time to be with friends and family, and keep stress to a minimum. But for most people, health status can increase as the years unfold because there are plenty things that can be done even better. Sure we may get a little slower or less powerful as we age, but health is something different than speed and power. Health is about energy for living, feeling good in the moment, and being able to do the things we want to do; And this is what I think we can reflect on.

That’s it for now though. I wish you the best in this New Year and I look forward to creating more ways of helping you feel and look even better. Thanks for a wonderful year!

Have a beautiful holiday season!

All My Best,

To a Healthy New YOU!

[vc_row][vc_column 0=””][vc_column_text]30 days to leanNext program starts Monday May 1, 2017!

This program will:

1. Give you the motivation to get the job done
2. Reduce food cravings and make your life simple
3. Enable you to lose 8-18 lbs. ( many have lost more)  in 30 days
4. Demonstrate how much food choices matter in weight loss and overall health

To enroll in this program  email me [email protected] no later than Wednesday April 26th.
The texting/email program is 30 days.  The main goals are to lose 8-18 pounds by eating healthy clean, develop a mind shift that says, “food choice matters in living healthy and lean as well as “Yes I can do this and live healthy.”

You will need certain foods and I will give you recipes. You must be willing to commit to 30 days. You will need to be committed and follow the guidelines. You will not be hungry. The recipes are simple and based around high nutrient values. You will not be cooking all day, but cooking is important.  All you have to do is follow the instructions via text/email. There is no meeting to attend but I am a text, phone call or email away from  helping you with questions you may have. I am available for you and I want to be available for you. I want you successful.

This is a no nonsense approach that will cause you to lose weight. It is designed for those who want quick, smart progress and understand that mind shifts are a necessity to healthy change. It is not designed for the person who is not motivated to stick to the plan for 30 days. This is a very healthy eating plan and it is not vegan. You will be eating lots of vegetables but you will also be eating an abundance of good fats, proteins and fiber.

The fee is $199.00 for the 30 days. And you may add a spouse  for no additional cost.

What’s This All About?

On October 6th a group of 10 people began a program called 30 Days to Lean.

The people that began this program knew they had to be committed for 30 days. It was not a coaching program but rather an eat this, but do not eat that kind of program. Based on whole foods and an abundance of lean proteins, loads of fiber and good heart healthy fats, the 10 people began my trial texting and email program.

I want you to know that the reason I started this program was to help people solidify in their own minds that what we eat really does matter. What we eat makes the difference in not just our ability to lose weight or maintain weight but in how we feel about ourselves. Food has the capacity to make us feel more alive. Too often people get caught up in trying to exercise their weight off and exercise their way into feeling good. The bottom line is that this approach ceases to work after about the age of 35.

What I often see in the gym is craziness. My goal is to put an end to this by slowing people down in the gym and speeding them up in the healthy  eating department. I realize that many people say they eat healthy but cannot lose weight and I really understand how they feel. But the fact is that far too often we think we know what clean eating is and that no one can help us – and so year after year they never get the right help because in their minds they know what to do!  This is really crazy thinking.  My goal is to change this.


When I designed this program I did so with you in mind. And because  I tend to be very analytical when it comes to assessing health related outcomes I sat down with pen and paper to hand and arrived at answers to this single most important question: How can I help people lose weight, gain energy, get less sick, feel more alive, increase their hope for improvements in diabetes, heart conditions, high blood pressure, high triglycerides, arthritis conditions, achy knees, achy back, sleeplessness, and a whole host of other ailments that are improved dramatically with eating well and exercising less drastically and more smartly?

This was the big question I asked myself, but yet I had to figure out a way that I could have people experience what healthy eating really is instead of just reading about it and trying to put the pieces together on their own. And  so, my goal was to keep it simple – simple like we want our lives to be.  And further this plan had to have quick weight loss and feel good results as well as elements one would adhere  to as part of a healthy lifestyle  without being gimmicky or like you were on some insane 1000 calorie restricted diet.

Back To The First 30 Days To Lean Group

And so my hope for this group was not just that they lose 8-18 pounds in 30 days ( of which many already surpassed in 21 days) but that they feel better, and would have a clearer understanding of what eating for health and weight loss is truly about. I also wanted to use it as a jump start for higher levels of motivation.

And The Results of 30 Days to Lean/ Real Stories of Positive Impact and Weight Loss

Here’s the Raw Data. 10 people 30 days.
Evette: 12.5 lbs lost.
Sandy: 10.2 lbs lost.
Matthew: 24 lbs lost. Note- wife lost 12 lbs as well.
Deb: 5.5 lbs lost.
Paula: 18 lbs lost.
Janet: 10.1 lbs lost.
Mary Ellen: 8 lbs lost.
Kelly: 6 lbs lost.
Stephanie: 2 lbs lost.
Lorraine: 3 lbs lost.

Their Perceived Compliance Level
Evette: 12.5 lbs lost. 87% compliance.
Sandy: 10.2 lbs lost. 95
Matthew: 24 lbs lost. 99% compliance.
Deb: 5.5 lbs lost. 90% compliance.
Paula: 18 lbs lost. 97%  compliance.
Janet: 10.1 lbs lost. 90% compliance.

Mary Ellen: 8 lbs lost. 70% compliance.
Kelly: 6 lbs lost. 50% compliance.
Stephanie: 2 lbs lost. Little compliance due to life events.
Lorraine: 3lbs lost. Morning shake compliance mainly. Too difficult to implement with other family members.

Individual Comments Regarding Changes

Evette: 12.5 lbs lost. 87% compliance.

  • I feel great!

Sandy: 10.2 lbs lost. 95 % compliance.

  • It was easy.
  • I feel like moving more.
  • My Pants fit better.
  • Can’t wait to go skiing.

Matthew: 24 lbs lost. 99% compliance.

  • I felt like a balloon.  I lost so quickly that I felt myself deflating.
  • I don’t crave ice cream or candy anymore.
  • I went to a wedding and did not feel tempted. I ate but it was easy to pass on all the temptations.
  • I don’t pick up candy at the receptionist’s area where I work.
  • I feel in control and confident I can do this. Never hungry! I don’t need fillers.

Deb: 5.5 lbs lost. 90% compliance.

  • Clothes fit better.
  • I feel great!
  • Drank a little more wine than the 24 oz allotted weekly.
  • Had a little more dark chocolate than Kim intended I have!

Paula: 18 lbs lost. 97%  compliance.

  • I can breathe better when walking.
  • I don’t get out of breathe as much when going up a flight of stairs.
  • My clothes are looser.
  • The skin on my face is much clearer.
  • I can bend easier.
  • I don’t crave chocolate and desserts anymore.

Janet: 10.1 lbs lost. 90% compliance.

  • I was never hungry.
  • I feel great!
  • I am really pleased with the results.

Mary Ellen: 8 lbs lost. 70% compliance.

  • I feel really good about myself.
  • I’m going through a lot with Parkinson’s disease and this just makes me feel I have control of things.
  • My physical therapist noticed my weight loss.
  • My thinking feels clearer.
  • My energy is much better when I eat like she says to eat.

Kelly: 6 lbs lost. 50% compliance.

  • I feel much empowered by this new way of eating.
  • I used to be a sugar addict. My cravings have subsided.
  • I still have a mental desire for dessert but not a physical craving.
  • I go out for pizza with my friends and did not even feel deprived eating a salad with good protein!
  • I wake up feeling good.
  • My clothes fit better and it is not such a chore to see what fits me in the morning.
  • I do not feel badly anymore about how I would eat too much. I am eating but and I do not feel the need to eat in between meals as much.

Stephanie: 2 lbs lost. Little compliance due to life events.

  • The group did great. I am going to sign up again and this time I think I can do much better.

Lorraine: 3lbs lost. Morning shake compliance mainly. Too difficult to implement with other family members.

  • Thanks for giving me your all.  I learned a lot. I am thankful and now thinking about a major life transformation.

Approximate Ages
Evette: 40’s
Sandy: 40’s
Matthew: 30’s
Deb: 60’s
Paula: 50’s
Janet: 70’s
Mary Ellen: 50’s
Kelly: 30’s
Stephanie: 40’s
Lorraine: 50’s

General Group Comments of Interest
The foods were delicious.  Lots of great recipes.  Being in control feels good. It’s a stress free way to lose weight. Receive 1 email weekly and follow it.  I am not at the mercy of my cravings any longer. I stress less. I think about food less, but really enjoy it when I eat. Kim said she was going to slow us down to speed up the weight loss and that is exactly what happened. The texting and emailing was perfect for my lifestyle. I just followed Kim’s plan and occasionally texted to the group. No stress. This is not a diet. It’s a way of eating. I thought I ate healthy before but I really did not. I’ve been trying to lose the last 10 lbs for 10 years and finally it has happened. I want to lose a few more though. I lost all of my weight in my stomach. I did not have to count calories. I want to continue eating like this. I have more energy and can pick up my grandchild without strain. I feel like I can continue to lose weight.  I just feel so much better. I highly recommend it to anyone who is serious about losing weight.  Don’t wait to lose weight and feel better another day. You will be so glad I promise. This is more than a diet plan. It’s a lifestyle that unfolds and one that you can actually expereince first hand and not just read about in a book. If you are serious about feeling good and losing weight especially in the mid section then don’t wait. Kim is one in a million of trainers and is always working for you! She never lets you down!”

And More Results: January 2015, 2015 group:

Hi everyone,
Below are the results of the 30 Days to Lean program that I now run monthly.

The 30 Days to Lean Program that I run via e mail and texting is part of that simplicity. Not only are people losing lots of weight on this plan but they are feeling a  real sense of what it means to be simple and clean with exercise and diet.

If you are interested in joining my next group just call, email, or text me. It is really that simple.

I am very happy to help you, your family and friends too.

Results of 30 Days to Lean Program January 2, 2015 – pounds lost in 30 days. 13 people 171 lbs lost.Here’s the Raw Data. 13 people 30 days.Lynne :         17 lbs lost.
Doug :          20 lbs lost.
Cathy :          23.6 lbs lost.
Rick :            23 lbs lost.
Susan :          11 lbs lost.
Meridith :        8 lbs lost.
Mary Ellen :    9.3 lbs lost.
Sue:              12 lbs lost.
John:            15.3 lbs lost.
Amy :             6.1 lbs lost.
Leslie :            8.5 lbs lost
Jen:               9.3 lbs lost
Dave :            7.8 lbs lostTheir Perceived Compliance LevelLynne :         17 lbs lost.      PC Level-99%
Doug :           20 lbs lost.     PC Level-80%Cathy :          23.6 lbs lost.  PC Level-95%
Rick :             23 lbs lost.     PCLevel-95%Susan :          11 lbs lost.     PC Level-50%
Meridith :        8 lbs lost.      PC Level-50%
Amy:              6.1 lbs lost.   PCLevel-75%John:              15.3              PCLevel-100%
Jen :               9.3 lbs lost    PCLevel- 80%
Dave :             7.8 lbs lost.   PC Level-70%Mary Ellen :    9.3 lbs lost.    PC Level-65%Sue D:              12 lbs lost.     PCLevel-65%Leslie:                 8.5 lbs lost.    PC level-90%Some Individual Comments Regarding ChangesLeslie

  • Enjoyed the recipes!
  • Did not get the highs and lows from sugars and carbohydrates
  • I feel I can lose weight again.


  • Crave starchy foods much less
  • No longer need to snack or even want to
  • People are noticing
  • Excited about eating!


  • Good energy
  • Smaller belly
  • No desire to snack
  • Weight loss is proof this plan works!


  • More mentally alert
  • Cinch belt 2 more notches
  • Foods great sign me up again!


  • Physically more energetic
  • Sustainable lifestyle
  • Enjoy the foods and love the recipes!
  • E mail and text concept is great. No meetings.


  • BP down.
  • Really liked the meals
  • Loved the soup recipes!


  • I feel a ton better!
  • We no longer eat “crap as a go to”
  • It made a huge impact on us!

Approximate Ages
Doug  and Lynne – 60’s
Dave  and Jen – early 40’s
Rick  and Cathy  – early 60’s
John and Amy – mid 60’s
Sue- early 50’s
Leslie – late 50’s
Susan – mid 50’s
Meridith- mid 20’s
Maryellen- late 50’s



Welcome to the Age of Living Smart

One year ago today, the readers of Bodysmart News and I began a conversation about how our lifestyles can become smarter.

One year into this new beginning, the signs of a smarter health conscious group of people in our local communities are evident. Smarter thinking is creating a more sophisticated mindset of what it means to be truly healthy.

People Are Questioning
Eating healthy, exercising consistently, and living life in the present moment, is beginning to take off in our local communities. People are questioning the effectiveness of quick fix dieting practices, outdated modes of exercise adherence, and wavering self help practices aimed at seeing life as joyful and satisfying.

Awareness, it seems, is all around us. “I’m tired of eating these so called healthy meals found in supermarkets and restaurants. They are overly processed and loaded with sodium”, says one client in St. Augustine whose trying to live a healthier cleaner life. “And exercise”, one Serenata Beach Club member remarks, “is getting to be too much of the same old thing.” “Stepping out of the box of the same old routine is a good sign that people are aware”, one fit looking member comments, “that there is a need to progress physically and mentally in different directions.”

A Local Physician Notes
And, a physician here in town, reminds me that, “the need is there to work from the inside out with people by inspiring a more enjoyable process for living healthier. Health coaches are miles ahead of the game.” And, he states, ”those coaches that are armed with a background in kinesiology, physical therapy or personal training, are going to be the leaders in the next decade when it comes to infusing a sensibility into people that is effective in treating lifestyle induced diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, chronic pain, and premature heart disease.”

Two years into this conversation with Bodysmart readers, this new found perspective on health continues to take shape. Readers have progressed from asking, “What is the quickest way to lose weight?” to “What exercises should I be doing to be healthy?” “Is cardiovascular exercise better than weight training, and should I be doing both?” “I am exhausted after work, is it a good idea to exercise when I am so tired, as I have high blood pressure?” Questions such as these are inspiring to hear as they indicate a smart trend in thinking. A trend that recognizes that life is about feeling good about ourselves, our health, and what we can obtain that brings us a satisfying life.

Being Lean Makes Us Feel Good
However, as a trainer, I don’t want people to feel I am downplaying one’s desires to lose weight and look better. We all want this. Being lean makes us more feel alive, more in tune with life, more vibrant, and more satisfied with our physical appearances.

The reason I am so excited about this new trend in thinking is that positive psychology tells us that when it comes to weight loss, focusing on weight is futile, but focusing on behavior change is central to shedding weight for a lifetime. “With an emphasis on the power of mindfulness and positive lifestyle strategy planning we can actually begin to see people change their lives. In most cases body composition changes and people lose weight, feel better and become more satisfied with the way they are focusing their energies,” says health coach Sandy Moore of Boulder Colorado. “Health, Moore says,” is viewed more as changing behaviors vs changing body fat content.”

Changing Behaviors is Essential
In my 10 years as a personal trainer and health coach, I can attest to the fact that those that lose the most weight and keep it off, are the ones that have learned to change behaviors. In my practice people are aware of behaviors they do not want to change and they let me know. This is an important point, because we can’t change what we don’t want to change. And that’s OK. The important aspect is to get started on behaviors you feel ready to change. One should have no feelings of guilt. This is the old way of thinking. Just change what you want to change now, and keep it simple. You will progress. You will feel better. You will see results. There’s no hurry, but you must go into these changes with a positive spirit by making them manageable and meaningful.

Without a doubt this new focus on behavior strategies accomplishes the ultimate goal, which for most is losing weight. But many people still are not aware of how health coaches assist their clients. Everyone knows what a personal trainer does, but not everyone knows what a health coach does.

What is Health Coaching?
Health coaching can be described as a newly emerging profession that focuses on developing a partnership with individuals who are interested in improving their health status in order to enjoy a more vital and vigorous lifestyle. It has its roots in the findings of behavior scientists who have shown that one-to-one coaching is among the most effective approaches to helping people make and sustain improvements in their lives. A coach enables change by focusing on the client’s stated needs, values, vision, and personal goals in order to bring about his or her physical and mental best.

Weekly strategy planning with the client in a conversational setting is a large part of what a health coach does. At first glance, it often appears that “little work” is taking place. After all, most of us are conditioned to what we see on TV, for example, with the Biggest Loser television show, and how they have their clients exercise physically hard. It seems we are conditioned to think that the more physical exercise we do the, the more weight we will lose. This is rarely the case, and people are beginning to understand this fact. Don’t misunderstand me though, as health coaching involves quite a bit of strategy planning in exercise adherence. But for those that are most successful, balancing exercise with healthy eating changes is an absolute must in any successful weight loss plan.

Weight Loss is Best Accomplished in Collaboration With Others
For me personally, most of my clientele have a weight loss goal. “OK,” I’ll say, “you want to lose weight? Let’s set a three month weight loss goal. Now, forget about it!” Many look at me with questioning amazement. But only briefly. To tell you the truth, many are relieved. And that is exactly how I want them to feel. Think of all the times you were caught up in negativism while trying to diet. Wasn’t it a constant struggle of feeling good about yourself then bad about yourself? Now ask yourself if this is really the way you want to diet. Like so many things, learning new skills is best addressed with a positive spirit and with a collaborative partner that has an interest in you. Most successful businesses are those whose top people are coached and partnered in a collaborative effort to breed success. This idea, I am happy to report, is taking hold in savvy weight loss communities across the nation. And we fortunately, here in the Ponte Vedra and St. Augustine areas, are a part of that community.

Let’s continue to build a smarter community. Together we can realize a more abundant life. One that is free of obesity, lifestyle induced diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and all diseases that can be attributed to our lifestyles. Besides, looking good, feeling good and performing great is central to our continued good health!